Respecter et transmettre
Our commitment to nature and biodiversity
Nurseries and garden centres have an important role in promoting environmentally friendly gardening. As a link between plants, gardening enthusiasts and local biodiversity, the Aspres Nursery in Grasse adopts eco-responsible practices to actively contribute to protecting the environment. Here's how the Aspres Nursery in Grasse has integrated an eco-responsible approach in terms of production, product choice, and customer awareness.
Responsible and local production
Aspres Nursery in Grasse
favors local production to reduce its carbon footprint. By growing plants adapted to the local climate and soil, it avoids importing exotic varieties that require long transport distances and often intensive maintenance conditions. In addition, production is optimized to limit the use of chemicals. For example, the use of biological control methods, such as auxiliary insects, makes it possible to control pests without resorting to pesticides. The fertilizers used are also chosen to be natural and safe for the environment, such as organic compost or manure. Finally, reasoned watering, with rainwater recovery systems, limits water waste and guarantees more sustainable practices.
Choice of environmentally friendly products
The Aspres Nursery in Grasse
strives to offer gardening products that respect nature. Fertilizers, potting soils, and phytosanitary products are carefully selected for their low ecological impact. Peat-free potting soils, for example, are preferable because peat extraction damages peatland ecosystems, which are essential for biodiversity and carbon storage. Natural and ecological alternatives to chemical products are favored: natural composts, biodegradable mulches, and organic fertilizers enrich the soil while respecting the garden's ecosystem. Similarly, for pest control, the
Aspres Nursery in Grasse
offers alternative solutions, such as natural purines (nettle, horsetail) or biological traps, which are just as effective as pesticides without harming pollinating insects and local wildlife.
Waste reduction and eco-friendly packaging
In a zero waste approach, the
Aspres Nursery in Grasse
has reduced its use of plastics and opted for sustainable and recyclable packaging. Plastic pots are replaced by pots made from natural fibres or biodegradable materials. For phytosanitary reasons, the
Aspres Nursery in Grasse
does not offer - like all eco-responsible nurseries and garden centers - a recycling program for used pots, which could encourage customers to bring back their empty containers for reuse or recycling. Seeds are offered in recyclable bags, and customers are encouraged to use their own reusable bags.
Customer awareness and team training
The educational aspect is a pillar of the eco-responsible approach of the
Aspres Nursery in Grasse
. Sales consultants are trained to educate customers about sustainable gardening practices and eco-friendly product choices. Hands-on workshops on composting, water management, and pesticide-free gardening are regularly held to help home gardeners adopt more environmentally friendly practices.
In addition, the
Aspres Nursery in Grasse
highlights local and honey-producing plants, ideal for supporting biodiversity and attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies. It also encourages crop rotation and the choice of climate-adapted plants to promote a more resilient and resource-efficient garden.
Commitment to biodiversity
Finally, the
Aspres Nursery in Grasse
actively contributes to the preservation of biodiversity by supporting local initiatives. For example, it can participate in programs to replant endemic or endangered species, or collaborate with wildlife protection associations to install nest boxes and insect shelters in the garden.
The eco-responsible approach of the
Aspres Nursery in Grasse
is based on a strong commitment to the environment, local production, and gardener education. By adopting sustainable production practices, reducing waste, and raising awareness of ecological issues among their customers, they play a crucial role in the transition to more planet-friendly gardening.
Ce jour marque une étape importante dans le lancement de l’opération Une Naissance, Un Arbre. ette précieuse initiative portée par Mr le Maire Jérôme Viaud que nous remercions, va renforcer les actions déjà menées pour préserver l’environnement, lutter contre le réchauffement climatique et restaurer la biodiversité. Concrètement, la ville de Grasse va créer fin novembre sur son territoire une micro-forêt sur un terrain mis à disposition par le département des Alpes maritimes. Cette forêt sera composée de 575 arbres, chacun symbolisant la naissance d’un nouveau-né Grassois pour l’année 2022. Piloté par REFOREST’ACTION entreprise spécialiste des forêts, les jeunes arbres plantés aujourd’hui atteindront d’ici 20 ans leur taille adulte et pour certains une hauteur jusqu’à 35 mètres.
a été sélectionnée pour fournir l’ensemble des plants forestiers. Nous fournirons 18 variétés d’essences différentes qui vont grandir ensemble pour créer un nouvel écosystème forestier urbain. Pour créer cette nouvelle forêt multi fonctionnelle, nous privilégierons la mise à disposition de jeunes plants labelisés ‘végétal local’ et issus de production française. Quelques exemples : Quercus ilex/suber/pubescens, Ostrya carpinifolia, Fraxinus ornus, Acer monspessulanum/Opalus/Campestre, Aulnus, Sorbus, Olea europaea, Pistacia lentiscus…. La
PEPINIERE DES ASPRES DE GRASSE est fière d’être le partenaire officiel de ce beau projet qui s’inscrit dans sa démarche éco responsable initiée en 2009 avec le Département des Alpes Maritimes dans le cadre du plan APICOLE DURABLE
L’opération UNE NAISSANCE UN ARBRE permet donc à la PEPINIERE DES ASPRES DE GRASSE de renforcer au niveau local ses actions en faveur de la protection de l’environnement. Encore un grand merci à Monsieur le Maire, Jérôme VIAUD et toute son équipe, au groupe Veolia pour leur engagement et à Reforestaction pour leur expertise !
Nous partageons les mêmes valeurs :
Respecter la nature, transmettre la nature et incarner une vie plus authentique et équilibrée en lien avec la nature.
The Aspres Nursery in Grassewas selected in 2009 by the Alpes Maritimes Departmental Councilduring the launch of the vast SUSTAINABLE BEEKEEPING plan implemented to preserve biodiversity. This plan involves in particular the implementation of around ten actions by all member partners. Actions that the Aspres Nursery in Grassehas been a policy for over 10 years. New employees are also made aware of our approach upon arrival.
This approach, its objectives and its actions are detailed below in the points in images. We naturally remain at your entire disposal to detail to you in a concrete and precise manner all the actions which are undertaken on a daily basis within the A's NurseryGrasse springs.
Apprendre pour évoluter et transmettre un savoir faire
Recycler les déchets naturels et les récolter
15 chemin des Canebiers 061130 Grasse (France)
Penetrating Cannes < - > Grasse - Exit Grasse Sud / 33492420606